Whistleblowing Reporting

Inoxfucine promotes a corporate culture based on integrity, ethics, and transparency. We believe it is crucial to provide a safe and confidential channel through which our employees, suppliers, collaborators, and other stakeholders can report violations, misconduct, or unethical practices within the company.

Our Whistleblowing system offers a simple and secure way to report such issues. We respect the confidentiality of the reports and ensure they are handled appropriately and in compliance with applicable privacy laws.

If you wish to report an issue through our Whistleblowing system, you can access the dedicated portal following this link.

Inoxfucine Whistleblowing online platform

We have chosen Trusty Whistleblowing online platform, as our secure and protected reporting channel for communicating information on suspected breaches within the organization.

The usage of Trusty Whistleblowing online platform is confidential and you are not required to disclose your identity, should you wish to remain anonymous.

Please provide as much relevant and detailed information as possible to enable us to effectively investigate the reported issue.

For details on procedures regarding internal reporting and follow-up please refer to Inoxfucine Whistleblowing policy (link below) and the applicable national law.

Privacy Policy di Inoxfucine per il Whistleblowing

La vostra privacy è di fondamentale importanza per noi e ci impegniamo a proteggere e rispettare le vostre informazioni personali in conformità con le leggi sulla privacy applicabili, inclusa la normativa GDPR.

La nostra Privacy Policy descrive come raccogliamo, utilizziamo, conserviamo e proteggiamo i dati personali dei nostri clienti, dei visitatori del nostro sito web e di altri soggetti con cui interagiamo. Leggete attentamente questa policy per comprendere come trattiamo i vostri dati personali e quali sono i vostri diritti in merito alla privacy.

Se avete domande o dubbi riguardanti la nostra Privacy Policy o il trattamento dei vostri dati personali, non esitate a contattarci utilizzando i dettagli forniti in fondo a questa pagina.

La nostra Whistleblowing Policy completa

